Its been a year since I arrived here in the UK. I cant decide whether it has gone by quickly or not. The years seem to go by faster and faster these days anyway so I dont know that its gone any faster than the last 3 years since it feels like last week that I was 22.
I must say though, in this one year, so much has happened!
I've lived in 4 rooms in 3 different houses and next week it will be 5 rooms. Next week I will also have had 56 roommates.
I've prosted at Oktoberfest, hopped around the Greek Islands, celebrated St Paddy's Day in Dublin and Queens Day in Amsterdam and just recently sailed around the Dalmatia Coast of Croatia.
I've done event staff work for weddings and served high tea at 5 star hotels. I've been a movie extra and I've worked my ass off on minimum wage as a bartender at a sports bar. I've worked in the finance department of a medical college and I've worked for a law firm who were working on a case for a German submarine company. And now I work in an office inside an airplane hangar at Heathrow airport.
I've laughed and I've cried, been certain and uncertain. I've eaten way more chocolate, Ben & Jerry's and curries than I would in any other year and I think I've tried most of the cider flavours out there.
There were times when I thought I could quite happily stay here forever, times when I didnt miss home at all... But I'm ready for the next 365 days and everything that will happen between today and the day I fly into Kingsford Smith Airport. I'm ready to see my friends and family and I'm ready for Australia - after I conquer Europe :)

i know a pretty excited person or two who will be waiting for you at kingsford smith when you're ready to come back to us :) x