I have by no means been an angel or a star daughter. I've done things that I am not proud of... so many things...
Its funny how I came over here for some sort of independance but guaranteed, most of my actions, I wonder what my parents would think of the choices I am making. I know they are proud of me and the guts it took to leave my life back home that I had spend 24 of my years building for myself.
I miss quiet weekends at home when we'd sit around watching movies and Mum would sit at my feet while I played with her hair and I miss Friday afternoons when I'd sit and have a beer with Dad and we'd stay up until it got too cold or the mozzies would start to bite.
I miss when I'd have friends over and they would sit up talking to all of us.
I just miss being around them.
I love you Mum and Dad...

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